So here it is. The first one off the CNC machine with many more to follow in the next few days. There will be an additional lens support bracket on it by the time they ship and of course they will be completely anodised. It requires the use of a 2/3″ lens with a 2x extender. Optical performance depends on that of the lens, so an HD lens is highly recommended, however if you have an old SD lens kicking around it may be useable. When using the adapter you use the 2x extender. The total magnification is 2.5x so a 7.6mm to 152mm 20x ENG lens becomes a 19mm to 380mm lens. There is also a 2.5 stop light loss so a f1.8 lens becomes a f6 lens. The adapter will come as a kit for the PMW-F3 or FS100 for £1150. If you wish to use it on a Canon DSLR with an APS-C sized sensor (7D, 550d, T2i etc) the price is £950.

hello alister,
just one question. is it possible to use the rocker zoom, and when yes how is it powered?
thank you very much
greetings jo
We plan on producing a cable to allow you to power the lens from a battery with a D-Tap connector. This will give you servo zoom. We are also investigating whether we can use the pins on the Sony mount to power the lens and provide iris information and record start/stop.
Hi Alistair,
Good article. However, 2.5 stops from f1.8 is between f4 and f5.6. How did you get f6?
I was basing it on f2.8 as many lenses don’t perform well at f1.8 and are rarely constant f1.8. I’d rather people get a pleasant surprise than be disappointed.
Hi Alister
The DOF would be the same as another lens on the F3, correct?
I’m keen to use an ENG zoom in unlightable doco situations and wondering about the loss of 2.5 stops. I’ve shot some worst-case scenario F3 tests, though, up to +12db and thought the noise was okay.
Do you have a preference for Canon over Fuijinon 2/3″ lenses?