Wow! I recently sent out the first ever site wide email to registered users of the forum. It’s an ad for some workshops I’m running. I put a lot of free time and effort into the blog and website. I know the vast majority of you appreciate the site and I get great feedback from most. But the response I’ve had from some people because I sent them one email is frankly astounding. One of the conditions of membership of the forum is agreement to receive very occasional emails. But some people think it’s out of order that I should send them an email. Come on people, the only reason anyone would sign up to the forum is to take advantage of the things on it, ask a question, download a picture profile etc. Yet some people think its unreasonable that in return for offering this free resource I should send out the occasional email. Well that’s fine by me. If you are not prepared to accept a few emails in return for access to a wealth of free help and advice them I’m more than happy to delete your account and bar you from the website.
Noworries, it didn’t bother me at all. If people are not able to handle one email by thrashing it they are probably also not able to find the record button.
Your insight and unbiased reviews are worth a hundred emails a week. Keep up the good work!
Really sorry to hear this.. please dont be down due a few no life morons.. truly unbelievable that someone who spends so much of their own time for the benefit of others ..gets abused for one email… you can bet if it solved some problem they had they wouldn’t be complaining ..
Sorry but you have to expect more than few losers on the inter web.. at least you have found the ones lurking on your site.. for all our sakes delete the mormons ..
I agree. It’s a good way of weeding out the trolls. Sometimes you’re a little blunt for me , Alister, but you’ve got a good heart!
I am so sorry to hear that you got this terrible response because of your mail! If I ever could give something back in return for all of your deep insights, thorough knowledge and excellent trixs I would be so happy. Please feel free to send me more emails, info or whatever invitations you want. Your work is so much appreciated and really hope you will not be let down by this!
Alister. Your site is worth 1,000 emails a day. Please ignore the moronic response that some people gave you. We support you and thank you for your efforts.
It is sad that folks did that. Obviously they are clueless.
Some people are just dick heads no matter how much time and effort one puts into a free resource like this great site…My complaint is that I never got the said email
I dont understand that phenonomen either. Often they are people who are ordinarily fine but somehow make some sort of connection you are invading their privacy or in some way were not invited so are guarding their space. Whether it is a worry you would give out their details or this is something that needs to be nipped in the bud. It could be just purely marking territory and denying you access to what they regard as their inner circle that you are not part of. To my mind it could be selfish ignorant and downright rude as there is no consideration. How on earth they then expect to do future business with the rules intact when they just broke them is beyond me. Talk about burning your bridges.
I think it is a shame because those same people can often have so much talent Just they dont see the two way street the you scracth my back I’ll scratch yours. I guess if they were playing tennis they would see no need to return the ball.
Personally I wouldn’t ban people I would just make allowances and take them off the mailing list. Life is to short.
Well the only way to remove them completely from the mail list is to delete their accounts. They can still view the boards. There weren’t many, but one or two were really quite rude.
delete them.. they obviously have no idea of an internet forum.. or any sense of camaraderie,that I think sort of goes with this very small and specialized field..
there are some that are a bit grumpy,or seem direct etc but they are giving their time to help people.. but really to give you a hard time and be rude.. everyone is better off without them..
You can send me all the emails you wish, Alister!
On a slightly different note, a huge thank you for a very benificial morning in Dublin last Wednesday. Most informative. Thank you!
I was glad to receive the email, Alister! Hoping I’m able to make the trip from Vermont to NYC and learn some S-Log grading. Keep up the great work, the great site, and the useful emails!