Looks like someone made a bit of a mistake and released the Japanese Yen prices for the F5, F55 and it’s accessories. The web page with the prices is here: http://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/News/Press/201211/12-165/
A rough conversion of the prices gives us the following:
PMW-F55 Camera Body £23k/$36k
PMW-F5 Camera Body £13.6k/$22k
ASX-R5 Raw Recorder £4k/$6.5k
DVF-EL100 OLED Viewfinder £4.4k/$7k
DVF-L350 LCD Viewfinder £2.5k/$4k
DVF-L700 7″ Monitor/Finder £3.5k/$5.6k
ASX-CR1 ASX Card reader (pronounced “Access”) £480/$770
BP-FL75 Battery £390/$625
BC-L90 Dual Channel Battery Charger £630/$1k
These prices are a rough direct conversion of the Yen prices. They do not take into account any regional tax or import duty variations so the prices may end up a little different from what you see here. However they should at least be pretty close. Cameras are expected to start shipping in Feb 2013. No prices for the ASX media or for the SxS Pro+ cards as yet.